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Advisory and Consultation Services

Policy Development Services

Call us to arrange a free exploratory call to discuss how we may assist you

(514) 439-8197

  • Corporate Culture

Policy writing

Policy writing can be challenging, give us a call and see how we can assist you in developing the right Policies and the accompanying Procedures that meet your corporate culture

  • Internal Audit Services

Effectiveness Reviews

We conduct cost-efficient effectiveness reviews and internal audit services both remotely and on-site. Additionally, we offer Audit exam preparation and through our technology partners, we can assist you in conducting a “Look Back” review.

  • Regulatory Requirements


Meeting regulatory requirements in arriving at ‘reasonable grounds to suspect’ is often a time-consuming task, leaving you to wonder “where do you begin”. Leave the research and investigation process to us.

  • AML

Customized Training Solutions

Training your staff can be a daunting task. The constant changes to regulations, requirements, and our ever-changing world of new money laundering threats can be overwhelming. Call us to discuss how we can provide customized training solutions that will meet the demands of your training needs

We work with you to develop customized training sessions aimed at providing the knowledge and information your staff, managers, and decision-makers need to be successful in protecting your company and your clients.

Additionally, Sentinence works with the award-winning Anti Money Laundering Training partner, TAMLO.

Our Partners

AML Resources: Insider Advice on How to Maintain Compliance

Let’s Make Things Happen

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